Are you fascinated by the powerful jaws and aggressive behavior of the hippopotamus? These massive mammals have captivated audiences for centuries with their unique characteristics and mysterious origins. But have you ever wondered about the evolution of the hippo? How did this massive animal come to be?
In this article, we will take a journey through time to explore the evolution of the hippopotamus. From their ancient ancestors to their present-day characteristics, we will uncover the secrets of the hippo’s past and learn about the fascinating adaptations that have allowed them to survive in the wild.
So join us as we delve into the world of hippopotamus evolution and discover the story behind one of the most intriguing animals on earth.
Hippopotamus Ancestors – What did hippos evolve from?
The Hippo is a creature that has been around for a very long time. Evidence suggests they walked on the Earth more than 55 million years ago. The closest relatives of the Hippo are whales and porpoises. Some fossils have been located in Africa that are dated back about 16 million years ago. They have been analyzed on many levels to give us some insight into Hippo evolution.
However, it wasn’t until 1985 that the evidence came to light that the Hippo isn’t related to pigs. What used to drive this impression was the shape of the molars. However, now that we have the testing for DNA, there is no evidence to suggest there is any relationship between pigs and the Hippo.

The start of Hippo’s life, though, does remain a mystery. There is some fascinating hypothesis out there. It is believed that they were once land-only animals, living in thick forest areas where the sunlight didn’t affect their fragile skin. They lived in warm climates, which is why they had very little hair on their bodies.
Many theories about Hippo evolution claim these animals took to the water after something on Earth occurred that cleared out the forest areas. Then they were too vulnerable on land and hand to move into the water. Perhaps a lack of food in the water at that time is why they continued to go to land at night to search for what they needed to survive.
It is believed that Hippos grew significantly in size during this period of time. They were one of the few animals that may have survived whatever catastrophe occurred on Earth. As a result of that they had their fill of food all the time. As they ate more and more, they became much bigger.
However, not all species of Hippos could survive what was occurring on Earth. It is believed that at least 3 species of Hippos have become extinct – one of them only about 1,000 years ago. Many researchers believe that there are many more extinct species but that we simply haven’t been able to find their remains yet.
The fact that there have been fossils though of Hippos in the New England area where no living Hippos have ever been documented is fascinating. Hopefully, we will one day know why they couldn’t survive there. The question, though, is about if they lived there and then changes occurred that created a difficult atmosphere for them.
The other idea is that they may have moved into that region in hopes of survival from somewhere else, but they weren’t successful. It may have been too challenging compared to what they were used to. Of course, that doesn’t mean that some of them didn’t survive and then moved into other areas where they were successful.

It is believed that climate change had a great deal to do with where and how Hippos were able to survive. Since they don’t have much hair, they do need warm environments. Yet they are also dependent on the water to keep them cool.
Hippo evolution is believed to have played a small part in their overall survival. For example, their sheer size alone means that many other animals in the wild won’t bother them at all. It is interesting that they can live in such an environment in the hot desert. They continue to excite people on various levels. Until we have more credible information about Hippo evolution, we can continue exploring the many possibilities.
Hippo evolution – FAQ
How long have hippos been on earth?
Hippos have been on Earth for a relatively long time, with their ancestry dating back to the Eocene Epoch, which began about 56 million years ago. The earliest known hippo-like mammal, the anthracothere, appeared during the early Eocene. These ancient mammals were smaller than modern hippos and had a more terrestrial lifestyle.
Over time, these anthracotheres evolved into larger, more aquatic animals that were more similar to modern hippos. By the Miocene Epoch, which began about 23 million years ago, true hippos had evolved and were widespread throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia.
During the Pleistocene Epoch, which began about 2.6 million years ago, the climate changed, habitats shifted, the hippos’ range was reduced, and they became confined to sub-Saharan Africa.
Today, only two species of hippos remain, the common hippopotamus and the pygmy hippopotamus, which are found only in West Africa. The common hippopotamus has been on earth for around 2-3 million years and the pygmy hippopotamus for around 1-2 million years. Other Hippo species became extinct.

What did hippos evolve from?
Hippos evolved from a group of terrestrial mammals called anthracotheres. These ancient mammals were part of a larger group of animals known as ungulates, which also includes horses, pigs, and deer. The earliest known anthracothere appeared during the early Eocene Epoch, about 56 million years ago. These ancient mammals were small, about the size of a large dog, and had a more terrestrial lifestyle.
Over time, these anthracotheres evolved into larger, more aquatic animals that were more similar to modern hippos. The transition from land to water happened gradually, and it is thought that the ancestors of hippos may have been semi-aquatic and spent time both in and out of the water.
By the Miocene Epoch, which began about 23 million years ago, true hippos had evolved and were widespread throughout Africa, Europe, and Asia. These ancient hippos were very similar to modern hippos and were already adapted to a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

Why are Hippos so big and so fat?
Hippos are large, semi-aquatic mammals weighing 1,500-2,300 kg (3,300-5,000 lbs). Their bodies are composed primarily of muscle and dense bones, which give them their large size and weight.
Additionally, hippos have a thick layer of blubber, which helps to insulate them from the cold water and also provides them with energy reserves. This layer of blubber also helps them to float and gives them buoyancy in the water.
Hippos are so big because of a phenomenon known as “Island Rule.” The Island Rule states that animals on islands tend to evolve to be smaller than their mainland counterparts. In contrast, animals on islands tend to evolve to be larger than their mainland relatives.
This is because, on islands, resources are typically limited, and competition is less intense, which can lead to the evolution of smaller animals. In contrast, on the mainland, resources are more abundant, and competition is more intense, leading to the evolution of larger animals.
In the case of hippos, they evolved in Africa, which is the largest landmass and had a wide variety of habitats, and resources were abundant. Therefore, hippos did not experience the pressures of island life and could evolve to be larger.
Their size also gave them a selective advantage, as larger animals can dominate their environment and have greater access to resources such as food and mating opportunities.
Another factor that contributed to the size of hippos is their semi-aquatic lifestyle. Being large helps hippos stay buoyant in water, and their size allows them to hold their breath for long periods.
Finally, their size also gives them a formidable defense against predators, and their powerful jaws and large teeth can crush bones, making it difficult for predators to take them down.
In conclusion, hippos are so big because of the Island Rule, where animals on the mainland tend to evolve to be larger than their island relatives. Their size also gave them a selective advantage, as larger animals can dominate their environment and have greater access to resources and a formidable defense against predators.