Hippopotamuses are an iconic and beloved species that are native to sub-Saharan Africa. Unfortunately, their population numbers have declined in recent years due to various factors, including habitat loss and poaching.
As a result, conservation efforts have been put in place to protect and preserve these magnificent animals. In this article, we will take a closer look at the current state of hippopotamus populations, the threats they face, and the efforts being made to conserve them.
From anti-poaching initiatives to habitat restoration projects, we will explore how individuals, organizations, and governments work to ensure that hippos continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come.
If we are to prevent the Hippo from becoming extinct, we must take steps to protect them. This includes protecting their natural environment and preventing poaching efforts.

The current state of hippopotamus populations
The current state of hippopotamus populations is that they are considered vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Their population has declined by an estimated 20-50% over the last two decades, and they are now considered to be a threatened species.
The main threats to their survival are habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching for their meat and ivory teeth, and overhunting of their prey species. Additionally, human-wildlife conflict, disease, and pollution also contribute to their population decline.
However, it’s important to note that the population of hippos varies greatly depending on the region. Some countries and regions have seen a significant decline in their numbers, while others have stable or even increasing populations. For example, in Zambia, the population of hippos increased from 3,000 to around 17,000 in recent decades, while in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the population of hippos decreased by about 95% and 98%, respectively.
That indicates that large numbers of them are still being killed for the illegal use of meat and for the illegal sale of ivory teeth.
Since 2006 the Hippo has been on the list of vulnerable species out there. Heavy hunting of them continues, though, as it is tough to enforce. The fact that the ivory from Hippos and elephants brings so much money is a critical reason they are killed. Many villagers in Africa depend on them to offer meat for their survival.

How many hippos are there in the wild?
The exact number of hippos in the wild is difficult to determine, and it’s important to note that the population of hippos varies greatly depending on the region.
The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) estimates that the total population of the common hippopotamus is around 125,000 individuals, with most of the people living in protected areas.

Hippopotamus Conservation Efforts
It isn’t practical for the laws to be effectively enforced in such areas. Even though there are rewards for reporting illegal hunting and poaching, many of the acts go undetected. With the advanced weapons available today, there is more power to be able to take down a large animal like the Hippo.
The fact that the environment for a Hippo has to be very large makes it challenging to conserve a location for them. They need deep bodies of water and tons of green vegetation for them to thrive. They don’t do well sharing such an environment with other animals. However, this aggressiveness does help to keep a good balance in nature.
Hippos mainly enjoy bodies of slow-moving fresh water. Of course, these are the very same bodies of water that most humans would love to spend time in as well. The billions of dollars out there made annually by smuggling ivory worldwide are unbelievable. Many lawmakers thought they were doing something positive by putting a ban on it. Yet it has only increased the demand for it and its overall value.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a huge problem when it comes to destroying Hippos and their environment. It is estimated that only about 5% of the numbers that once lived there remain today. This is mainly due to a great deal of poaching in order for the poor people in this area to survive.
Environmental changes, including global warming, continue to make life harder for the Hippos. They may suffer from a reduced rainy season which produces lots of food for them. During that time of year, they are most likely to mate. While Hippos in captivity can do well, moving more of them from the wild into zoos isn’t practical.
It is costly to house the Hippo in captivity. It is also hazardous to take one out of the wild and place them into captivity. That is why almost all of them found there today have been born there.

So, How to save the Hippos?
There are several ways to help save the hippopotamus population:
Protecting their habitats
One of the main ways to conserve hippos is by watching their habitats from destruction and fragmentation. This includes protecting wetlands, rivers, and other bodies of water important for hippo survival.
Anti-poaching efforts
Poaching is a major threat to hippos, as they are hunted for their meat and ivory teeth. Anti-poaching initiatives, such as increased patrols and surveillance, can help to reduce this threat.
Habitat restoration
Habitat restoration projects can help to improve the quality of hippo habitats and increase their carrying capacity. This can include reforestation, wetland restoration, and river management.
Community-based conservation
Involving local communities in conservation efforts can be an effective way to protect hippos. Community-based conservation programs can help reduce human-wildlife conflict and provide an economic incentive for people to protect hippos.

Law enforcement
Increasing law enforcement efforts to combat illegal hunting and trade of hippo products.
Research and monitoring
Conducting research on hippo populations and their habitats can help better understand the factors affecting their survival. This information can then be used to inform conservation and management decisions.
Education and Awareness
Raising awareness about the importance of hippos, the threats they face, and the conservation efforts can help to ensure that people are engaged and invested in their survival.

It’s important to note that these actions should be coordinated and integrated to be effective. Conservation efforts must be tailored to the specific region and context and involve partnerships between government, NGOs, local communities, and other stakeholders.
There are plenty of volunteers out there, though, willing to donate their time and money to the cause. They want to see the Hippos thriving in the wild because they feel they are vital to the balance of things in the African wildlife population. You can be a part of Hippo conservation efforts too. Go online and find various entities that have goals in place for helping.
A great way to help is by sharing accurate information about Hippos. Too much of what circulates about them put fear into people. Then they don’t seem to care whether this animal can survive. Your efforts, combined with those of other people, can profoundly affect their future.